Monday, December 23, 2019

Comparison of Ballad of the Bread Man and Innocents Song...

Comparison of Ballad of the Bread Man and Innocents Song by Charles Causley and Journey of the Magi by T. S. Eliot The subject matter of Ballad of the Bread Man is the religious story of the birth, life and death of Jesus. It has all the main events of the traditional story but it is done in a modern style. The meaning of the story remains but most of the particulars have changed. For instance in the poem a bishop, five start general, and a head of an African country represent the kings. Charles Causley has bought the story up to date so it appeals to people living today, especially younger people. Children might not understand the Bible version of the story so Charles Causley has made it more accessible and†¦show more content†¦The bread is a symbol of Jesus kindness and generosity that was so cruelly ignored. Charles Causley changes a lot of the facts of the story, without changing the moral and message. He uses words such as newspaper, TV, election that were obviously not present at the time of the original story. When reading the Bible version it is sometimes hard to think it was not set in a different world to the one today. So he uses these modern words so people living today will be able to identify with the story. When he says bullet-proof limousine I dont think he is just using it for modernisation though. I think Charles Causley is implying that the kings were protected and safe in their journey, almost in an evil way. It signifies they have nothing in common with the people they are reigning over. It is also in contrast to how vulnerable Jesus is. The tone of the poem is amusing at the beginning. Causley uses humour in his poetry, which I believe again is to appeal to children. He creates images of God sitting in his big blue chair, Gabriel in the shiny gear and of the neighbours gossiping that Mary has been up to no good. These are funny because it is looking at the story from a new perspective. Before reading the poem you have not thought of it in this way. It brings another layer to the traditional story. There are small undertones of negativity that

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Advantages of Science Free Essays

Assignment #3 WAQAR AHMED KHAN (5757) Q1. Write a function power ( a, b ), to calculate the value of a raised to b. static void Main(string[] args) { Console. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages of Science or any similar topic only for you Order Now WriteLine(â€Å"enter number with power is to be calculated†); int a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter power†); int b = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p = new Program(); double c=p. power(a, b); Console. WriteLine(a+ † rase to the power â€Å"+b+ â€Å"=†+c); } private double power(int a, int b) { double power = Math. Pow(a, b); return power; } Q2. Write a general-purpose function to convert any given year into its roman equivalent. Example: Roman equivalent of 1988 is mdcccclxxxviii Roman equivalent of 1525 is mdxxv static void Main(string[] args) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter the year†); int number=Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p=new Program(); string samsung=p. ToRoman(number); Console. WriteLine(samsung); } private string ToRoman(int number) { if ((number 0) || (number 3999)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(â€Å"insert value betwheen 1 and 3999†); if (number 1) return string. Empty; f (number = 1000) return â€Å"M† + ToRoman(number – 1000); if (number = 900) return â€Å"CM† + ToRoman(number – 900); if (number = 500) return â€Å"D† + ToRoman(number – 500); if (number = 400) return â€Å"CD† + ToRoman(number – 400); if (number = 100) return â€Å"C† + ToRoman(number – 100); if (number = 90) return â€Å"XCâ₠¬  + ToRoman(number – 90); if (number = 50) return â€Å"L† + ToRoman(number – 50); if (number = 40) return â€Å"XL† + ToRoman(number – 40); if (number = 10) return â€Å"X† + ToRoman(number – 10); if (number = 9) return â€Å"IX† + ToRoman(number – 9); if (number = 5) return â€Å"V† + ToRoman(number – 5); if (number = 4) return â€Å"IV† + ToRoman(number – 4); if (number = 1) return â€Å"I† + ToRoman(number – 1); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(â€Å"something bad happened†); } Q3. Any year is entered through the keyboard. Write a function to determine whether the year is a leap year or not. static void Main(string[] args) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter the year†); int a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p=new Program(); . leap(a); } private void leap(int a) { if (a%4! =0 a%100==0 a%400==0) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"this year is a lea p year†); } else Console. WriteLine(â€Å"this is not a leap year†); } Q4. Write a function that receives 5 integers and returns the sum, average and standard deviation of these numbers. int a, b, c, d, e; Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter first number†); a = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter second number†); b = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter third number†); c = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter forth number†); = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"enter fifth number†); e = Convert. ToInt16(Console. ReadLine()); Program p = new Program(); int f = p. sum(a, b, c, d, e); int g = p. average(f); double h = p. standard_deviation(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"sum of numbers are=†+f); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"averge of numbers are=†+g); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"stardard deriva tion of numbers is=†+h); } private double standard_deviation(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g) { double i, j, k, l, m,deri,squ; i = a – g; j = b – g; k = c – g; l = d – g; m = e – g; i = Math. Pow(i, 2); j = Math. Pow(j, 2); = Math. Pow(k, 2); l = Math. Pow(l, 2); m = Math. Pow(m, 2); deri = (i + j + k + l + m) / g; squ = Math. Sqrt(deri); return squ; } private int average(int f) { int avg = f / 5; return avg; } private int sum(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) { int sum = a + b + c + d + e; return sum; } Q5. If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. int sum = 0; for (int i = 3; i 1000; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0) { sum += i; Console. WriteLine(sum. ToString()); } Q6. A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 99. Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. int maxPalindrome = 0; for (int i = 100; i 1000; i++) { for (int j = i; j 1000; j++) { int product = i * j; if (product. IsPalindrome() product maxPalindrome) { maxPalindrome = product; } } } System. Console. WriteLine(maxPalindrome); } } public static class Extensions { public static bool IsPalindrome(this int i) { Listchar chars = new Listchar(i. ToString(). ToCharArray()); chars. Reverse(); return i == int. Parse(new string(chars. ToArray())); How to cite Advantages of Science, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Human Ethics and Corporate Governance free essay sample

Business ethics at Chancellor College has as its main objective offering appropriate theoretical and practical formation in ethics as applied to the context of corporate governance. This objective is motivated by our interest at preparing our students for the various challenges they will encounter in their various businesses which they will undertake. We believe as a university that their success in business is partly dependant on their knowledge and practical readiness in confronting moral issues which will be part and parcel of their everyday experience at work place. Expectations It is expected that at the end of our course, students will be capable of demonstrating their understanding of the following: the basic ideas in the context of ethics; corporate Governance in general; and the application of ethical insights in corporate governance. The university expects further that the students will develop the personal ability to know how they can apply the various insights learned in their own activities after their graduation. We will write a custom essay sample on Human: Ethics and Corporate Governance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Prescribed Texts1 1. Shaw, WH (2005): Business Ethics Thomson Wadsworth, Bangalore. India 2. Crane A and Matten D (2004): Business Ethics. Oxford University Press. New York. USA 3. Velasquez MG (2004): Business Ethics (Concepts and Cases). 5th Edition. Prentice Hall. New Delhi. India. Other texts will be given together with the rest of the module. 1 NB: This is conditioned by what we have in the library. 3 Business Ethics: Revision 0. General Introduction Welcome back to my lectures on Business Ethics after a long holiday of the so called Academic Freedom. I am aware of the fact that most of you have gone backwards intellectually, but we will try to catch up. I will commerce by making you aware of the relevance of our lectures or this field of study. Increasing current research in the context of business studies has shown a great interest in understanding and developing further the issue of corporate governance, for instance, O’Donavan’s ‘A Board of Corporative Governance’, Aras G Crowther D. work on Culture and Corporate Governance [2008]; Coley J. ‘What is Corporate Governance’ [2005]; Monks R. A. G Monow Nell’s work ‘Corporate Governance’ [2008]; and many others. This big interest in corporate governance suggests the centrality of understanding corporations and the incumbent mechanisms in doing any business. Indeed for our business to prosper necessitates a thorough knowledge of the various mechanisms in this context. Aware of the centrality of corporate governance, this course therefore suggests studying an aspect of this theme that is, the understanding of ethics inside this context. This study falls under the general study of ethics in the context of business studies, normally known as business ethics. The course has five parts as indicated in the course outline above. The first part deals with a theoretical presentation of ethics. This is directed at introducing the student to the ethical theories and principles which are then reflected in the context of corporate governance. The second part develops a theoretical understanding of what business is, through the study of the general aspects of ‘corporate governance’. This is intended at acting as a background where insights from ethics are discussed. The third part discusses ethics inside the corporations. It focuses more on how corporations utilize ethics in their systems as a fundamental component.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay on Film Adaptation Essay Example

Of Mice and Men Essay on Film Adaptation Paper Gary Sells made the movie with the same message as John Steinbeck; he does not change any of morals that are shown in the book. However, Gary Since did change some stuff, such as the building of the start and the end, In the beginning of the movie you see George and Leonie In weed running away, the railroad, the chase with the cowboys, dogs and horses and a lady Is running too. But In the book, George and Leonie Is already by the pool. I think the way Gary Sells did It Is better, because it starts off more dramatic and It gets the viewers more captivated, even from the beginning. Also in the ending you see a flashback right after George shoots Leonie and there are no characters involved. There are other small irrelevant scenes that are different as well. For example the scene where everybody is in town and Leonie enters Crooks room. In this scene Candy is not there, nor is Curler. Not only are the scenes differed from the book. A good example would be Slim. In the book he is represented as a divine character, while in the movie he is less heroic. Also the sense of emotions is different between the book and the movie. We see in the movie, when Curlers wife is dead, Candid anger towards her is very intense. Also is the relationship between George and Curlers wife different. In the movie, George seems to be cruel and careless towards her, whereas in the book, e seems to be at least a bit infatuated with her. These small changes makes the movie more unexpected than if everything was completely after the book. One of the big scenes Is the killing of Candys dog. We will write a custom essay sample on Of Mice and Men Essay on Film Adaptation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Of Mice and Men Essay on Film Adaptation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Of Mice and Men Essay on Film Adaptation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There are many saltcellars such as the dialogs. But small details are different though, such as In the beginning, Candy Is already lying on his bed, but In the movie he Is walking In the room. The scene In the movie where Carlson Is getting his gun Is very detailed compared to the description In the book. The whole episode Is a lot more detailed In the movie than It Is In the book. It Is more suspenseful and you get more captivated by It. Whereas In the book they come to a conclusion a lot faster and Its less Interesting. Such small details occur, but are not taken notice of, unless studied carefully. I en scene winner George snoots Lend Is also quite Dig. I en movie makes Tanat incident very dramatic and intense. While in the book, George Just pops out of the brush, and it starts from there with the exact same dialog as in the movie. But in the movie, Leonie could not find the place where they had to meet if anything went wrong. Unlike in the book, where he already is at the place. It is a lot more suspenseful in the movie than it is in the book. Although John Steinbeck did a good job describing the place, it is still better to see exactly how it is in the movie. And it is a lot like the description in the book, which is very good, because its a beautiful place! So, its definitely very powerful cinema, while remaining true to the spirit of the book. The shooting itself, in the movie, is very sudden, which makes it intense and shocking. In the book, George checks out where to hit Leonie exactly. And he hesitates once. After that there are no characters whatsoever. Only a flashback is shown

Monday, November 25, 2019

Questions you most wanted to ask about tree planting and need immediately

Questions you most wanted to ask about tree planting and need immediately Planting a tree can have tremendous influences on communities. Tree planting improves our environment. Planting a tree can add to our incomes and decrease energy costs. To plant a tree can enhance our quality of life and improve our health. I cant think of many things that touch us so completely as does planting a tree. My point is, we need trees to be planted! Q: How do you plant a seedling or sapling?A: There are actually two major methods of tree planting. One is planting a tree with an intact root ball. The trees can either be bound by fabric and string or potted in a plastic container. These trees are designed to more. Q: When is the season for planting trees?A: Bare-root tree planting is done during dormant winter months, most often after December 15th but before March 31st. Q: Do I really need to mulch my new tree?A: New seedlings and saplings need plenty of moisture. Lack of water is the main cause of severe stress to newly planted trees. Mulch is a trees best friend. Q: How do I know I am ready to plant a tree?A: Are you prepared to plant and rear a healthy tree? Take this tree wellness quiz to see just how prepared you are to successfully raise a healthy more. Q: Where can I buy trees to plant?A: Trees can be purchased in most states at private, industry and government nurseries. You need to check with your state forester for specific sources suited for your planting more. Q: Where can I buy tree planting equipment?A: Before you begin a big planting job you need to purchase the right planting equipment. Using proper equipment correctly will insure proper planting and will be easier on the more. Q: Where should you plant a seedling or sapling?A:Use common sense when planting a tree. If the tree is expected to grow tall or expand widely give it the room it needs for future growth. Understanding species moisture, light and soil needs is extremely important. Q: What are root balled tree saplings?A:Root balled saplings are usually older than two to three year-old seedlings and are dug from commercial or government nursery plots. They are delivered individually with roots covered by an earth ball enclosing. Q: What are bare-root tree seedlings?A: Bare-root seedlings are usually two to three-year-old trees and lifted from commercial or government nursery beds. They are delivered in bulk with roots covered in only a very moist medium or slurry. Q: How many trees are planted in the United States?A: Hundreds of nurseries in the United States grow over 1.5 billion trees annually, which reforests nearly three million acres. This number represents over six trees.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Call of the Wild Book

He is disciplined by the Law of Club and Fang. The man in the red sweater takes Buck out of the cage and repeatedly beats him. Buck continues to try to attack until he is to week to fight. He then learns the law of Club and Fang. Buck is sold and put on a sled team. He learns to dig a hole in the snow to stay warm. He has a fierce rivalry with the lead dog Spitz. Spitz then kills one of Buck’s best friends Curly by ripping Curly’s face up. Buck ends up having multiple fights with Spitz. One of which where Spitz takes Buck sleeping hole and tries to keep it. Spitz gets whipped and sent back to his own hole. Buck and Spits end up in a fight in which Buck is determined to kill Spitz and end the rivalry for good. He then does what he was determined to do and kills Spitz. Buck then takes the lead dog position and gains trust from his team. The team is then taken over by Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. They are amateur sled runners and don’t quite know what they are doing. They end up shooting a dog (Dave), because he was too weak to go on. Buck then leads the team into John Thornton’s little camp setup. Hal was advised by John not to go across the ice but he decides to do it anyway. Hal starts beating Buck and John Thornton threatens to kill him with his rifle. John then takes Buck to be his own. They all fall through, including the team. They are killed and John takes care of Buck, the only survivor. Buck then saves john Thornton’s life a couple times. John and Buck develop a special bond. John decides to search for gold. Buck is in part of a bet made by john Thornton that says he can pull a sled with a fairly large amount of weight. Buck then shocks everybody and pulls the sled 100 yards and wins John Thornton $1000 ($1600 in the book). John is out in the search of gold. He comes across a Yeehat tribe and builds up hate for them. Buck scares away the Yeehats once. They the com back later and kill John Thornton by shooting him with a bow and arrow. Buck then kills multiple Yeehats out of anger. He is then left with the decision to live by himself in the wild. Differences In the movie, Buck was never sold to Francois and Perrault. He was never a part of their team and he did not steal any bacon from Francois. In the movie, Buck started out going to John Thornton’s team, stolen by Black Burtons bandits, claimed by a dog auctioneer, sold to Hal and his crew, brought across Johns Thornton’s camp and is returned to him. Buck was never sold from Francois and Perrault to a Scotch half-breed man that was very hairy. It did not tell the names of other dogs in the movie. In my eyes, the movie portrayed John Thornton’s friend, Pete, more than in the book. In the movie John Thornton is attracted to a girl at a bar. A man named Black Burton doesn’t like John so he has his team stolen by some of his thugs. They then take the team to a town. On the way a man falls down a hill and is killed. When the dogs get to the town, the only guy left on the sled is frozen solid and killed. A man then claims the dogs on the spot and auctions them off to Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. They plan to take the team to Dawson city (where John Thornton is). On the way a dog (Dave) is shot by Hal because he can’t go on. They come across John Thornton’s camp. John takes Buck back and the others drowned. John then takes more care of buck and heals him up. The book stated that Buck had killed a Moose by wearing it out and then attacking it. That never happened in the movie. In the book, Mad Dolly was a dog that raged and tried to kill Buck. The movie showed Mad Dolly as a horse. The movie shows more dialect and perspective of john Thornton rather than Buck. It made the movie almost more about John than it did about Buck. John and Buck found a cabin in the woods that had a gun in it that said E. K. W. on it. That wasn’t in the book. Because of all of the similarities and differences that I have written, I believe that the book was way better than the movie. The movies didn’t have much anything that was the same in the book. The worst part was that it left me guessing about who E. K. W. was. It didn’t even give a hint about who he or she was. That should not ever happen in a movie. Call of the Wild Book He is disciplined by the Law of Club and Fang. The man in the red sweater takes Buck out of the cage and repeatedly beats him. Buck continues to try to attack until he is to week to fight. He then learns the law of Club and Fang. Buck is sold and put on a sled team. He learns to dig a hole in the snow to stay warm. He has a fierce rivalry with the lead dog Spitz. Spitz then kills one of Buck’s best friends Curly by ripping Curly’s face up. Buck ends up having multiple fights with Spitz. One of which where Spitz takes Buck sleeping hole and tries to keep it. Spitz gets whipped and sent back to his own hole. Buck and Spits end up in a fight in which Buck is determined to kill Spitz and end the rivalry for good. He then does what he was determined to do and kills Spitz. Buck then takes the lead dog position and gains trust from his team. The team is then taken over by Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. They are amateur sled runners and don’t quite know what they are doing. They end up shooting a dog (Dave), because he was too weak to go on. Buck then leads the team into John Thornton’s little camp setup. Hal was advised by John not to go across the ice but he decides to do it anyway. Hal starts beating Buck and John Thornton threatens to kill him with his rifle. John then takes Buck to be his own. They all fall through, including the team. They are killed and John takes care of Buck, the only survivor. Buck then saves john Thornton’s life a couple times. John and Buck develop a special bond. John decides to search for gold. Buck is in part of a bet made by john Thornton that says he can pull a sled with a fairly large amount of weight. Buck then shocks everybody and pulls the sled 100 yards and wins John Thornton $1000 ($1600 in the book). John is out in the search of gold. He comes across a Yeehat tribe and builds up hate for them. Buck scares away the Yeehats once. They the com back later and kill John Thornton by shooting him with a bow and arrow. Buck then kills multiple Yeehats out of anger. He is then left with the decision to live by himself in the wild. Differences In the movie, Buck was never sold to Francois and Perrault. He was never a part of their team and he did not steal any bacon from Francois. In the movie, Buck started out going to John Thornton’s team, stolen by Black Burtons bandits, claimed by a dog auctioneer, sold to Hal and his crew, brought across Johns Thornton’s camp and is returned to him. Buck was never sold from Francois and Perrault to a Scotch half-breed man that was very hairy. It did not tell the names of other dogs in the movie. In my eyes, the movie portrayed John Thornton’s friend, Pete, more than in the book. In the movie John Thornton is attracted to a girl at a bar. A man named Black Burton doesn’t like John so he has his team stolen by some of his thugs. They then take the team to a town. On the way a man falls down a hill and is killed. When the dogs get to the town, the only guy left on the sled is frozen solid and killed. A man then claims the dogs on the spot and auctions them off to Hal, Charles, and Mercedes. They plan to take the team to Dawson city (where John Thornton is). On the way a dog (Dave) is shot by Hal because he can’t go on. They come across John Thornton’s camp. John takes Buck back and the others drowned. John then takes more care of buck and heals him up. The book stated that Buck had killed a Moose by wearing it out and then attacking it. That never happened in the movie. In the book, Mad Dolly was a dog that raged and tried to kill Buck. The movie showed Mad Dolly as a horse. The movie shows more dialect and perspective of john Thornton rather than Buck. It made the movie almost more about John than it did about Buck. John and Buck found a cabin in the woods that had a gun in it that said E. K. W. on it. That wasn’t in the book. Because of all of the similarities and differences that I have written, I believe that the book was way better than the movie. The movies didn’t have much anything that was the same in the book. The worst part was that it left me guessing about who E. K. W. was. It didn’t even give a hint about who he or she was. That should not ever happen in a movie.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) affects consumer behaviour - Literature review

How Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) affects consumer behaviour - The case of Mercedes Benz - Literature review Example The study by Fahlquist (2008) points out that those in industrialized countries are sufficiently knowledgeable about roles in related issues. These citizens chose to function in ways which contribute to issues or their corresponding solutions. In effect, individuals have now become more morally responsible in managing their environmental issues (Fahlquist, 2008). Since such obligation mostly relates to citizenship, it has assisted in accomplishing obligations supporting elements of citizenship. Consumer citizens often functions beyond their interests as consumers and are responsible for the long-term issues beyond themselves (Varney, 2002). The highlight of consumer responsibility is for citizens considering the impact of their purchasing choices, for themselves, but also the outside world. As corporations have been prompted to apply practices relating to CSR, consumers are also responsible for applying purchase votes to ensure favourable social results (Dickinson and Carsky, 2005). Consumers have specific stages of responsibility which they also express in terms of preferences in relation to socially favourable features or more extensive CSR qualities, thereby including new products and supporting new socially effective factors for production and consumption (Vogel, 2005). Corporate actions which assess company and their social and environmental actions which exceed legal and regulatory standards are usually based on a business case where consumer views and demands impact on corporate social responsibility and sustainability resources (Barnett, 2007). Still, findings from different studies are not consistent (Margolis,, 2008). Moreover, reviews of such research relating to consumer impact imply how CSR influences consumer behaviour (Bhattacharya and Sen, 2004). Although CSR has significant implications on marketing functions including advertising and branding, not much is known about the impact on consumer

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Principles of Care in Care Setting That Ensure Client Empowerment Assignment

Principles of Care in Care Setting That Ensure Client Empowerment - Assignment Example The paper will also dwell on the need of safeguarding client confidentiality and existing legislation that protects the sharing of such information to non-authorised persons. Another principle of care that will be discussed is the need to enable the client make informed choices and respect the human dignity of the client while offering personalised care attention. The paper will also focus on the ways in which different cultural beliefs and preferences of the clients may affect care delivery and suggest measures that care workers can implement in order to avoid cultural prejudices and stereotypes during care delivery. Client empowerments entails a process of change that enables people gain more information about themselves and take more control of their lives through identifying and working with others for the change. Empowerment is an interactive process that enables people experience personal and social change that facilitates people to influence the institutions and environments i n which they live. Ideally, client empowerment in care setting can be termed as a developmental process that entails the four stages of entry, advancement, incorporation and commitment. The entry stage in client empowerment is motivated events that affect an individual, immediate family or certain aspects that foster empowerment such as supportive peer relationships, mentoring and social or political relations. However, empowerment in a care setting can be initiated through orientation or counsel through helping individuals who seem powerless in the society by enabling them to understand the power dynamics at work, develop critical skills and capabilities to exercise control of their lives without interfering with the rights of others in the society.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Foreign Policy Essay Example for Free

Foreign Policy Essay This paper seeks to analyze and discuss American Foreign Policy in relation to globalization. This paper will include a review of the history behind the issue being debated and its relevance to American foreign policy and will be followed by a summary of the arguments in favor of the American foreign policy and the last will attempt to make on personal opinion or conclusion on the issues discussed. 2. Analysis and Discussion 2. 1. Review of History on American Policy and Globalization It may be stated that the primary historical process that has affected international relation in the recent past is globalization. Globalization is not a new development; it has been progressing for most of human history Globalization is the integration of human activity across geographic space. This covers many areas of human activity including, social and cultural contact, environment, and economics. (University of Arizona, 2007), It is a process and not an event as it continues to take place across time. It is also multidirectional and not smooth as it could progress and retreat as may be seen by the fact that some areas are more affected than others. However, it affects all actors in international relations, but with different consequences. Globalization in the modern era, for purposes of simplicity is divided into several categories as follows: economic, social, cultural, military, and environmental (University of Arizona, 2007) As a result foreign policy which a realm in politics affects and is affected by all these areas. It may also be observed that all five areas are driven by technology. As communications, transportation, and production technologies improve it becomes easier to interact across geographic space. This could be illustrated or observed in the industrial revolution spread a new form of production that has made transportation and communication easier via rail and water transport. This also caused the creation of control of particular resources that are vital for military security such as in the case of coal, iron, and others (University of Arizona, 2007). Global integration has accelerated in fits and starts for the past 150 years with the World Bank having focused on economic integration and which has identified three â€Å"waves† of globalization. The first wave covers the period 1854 to 1914 and is characterized by: (a) industrial revolution and colonialism both economically and militarily thus causing the integration of the global economy that came from the integrated colonial systems under European, the US and Japanese domination and (b) economically integrated world as felt today in terms of capital transfer and movement of persons. University of Arizona, 2007) The period between 1914 to 1945 may be considered an interregnum due to a few world wars and a depression. It must be stated however that the IMF was born on December 27, 1945 to address the 1930’s depression. The IMF was later found to assume more rules in globalization waves after World War II. The second wave therefore is from 1945 – 1973, where the following are observed: (a) economic integration resumes, but under divided conditions; (b) integration of Soviet bloc in a command economy system and of US bloc under the Bretton Woods System; and (c) integration of the Western bloc causing it to become generally market-driven (University of Arizona, 2007). The third wave of globalization is the post 1973 era ,where the following events could be observed: (a) the East-West division which started strongly and only to fade in the mid 1980’s and to fall apart by the 1990’s; (b) material and big changes in production and communications technology and economic integration. The shift towards more global integration may be seen with more states opting to adopt the Western Institutions which may be explained as follows: The mid 1980’s saw the tide turning to the US in the Cold War; and (b) more freedom was made possible as the US block has become very free. This particular wave is characterized also by the emergence of market-driven integration, hence one could see the integration of the global economy spreading further to a much larger part of the world, and thus accelerated after the Cold War ends (University of Arizona, 2007). It is from this wave that the World Trade Organization came into existence on the basis of the conduct of its negations through the so called rounds as the Uruguay Round has commenced in September 1986 and has continued until April 1994. WTO’s current works basically started from these negation and there were subsequent ones and have until today. 2. 2 Summary of arguments in favor of globalization Democracy presupposes free enterprise and free enterprise could only be back bone of globalization hence for US to support globalization it must support democracy not only in its country but also all over the world. Given this theoretical frame, it is not hard to appreciate the consistency of the US in supporting democracy all over the world. Even today many will readily see how the US states are showing its support for democratic nations since this best support US national interests. It could therefore be argued that for the US, democracy is the one national interest that will help to secure all the others. Democratically governed nations would have their governments decided by the right thinking citizens as against the whims and caprices of dictator and this would likely â€Å"secure the peace, deter aggression, expand open markets, promote economic development, protect American citizens, combat international terrorism and crime, uphold human and worker rights, avoid humanitarian crises and refugee flows, improve the global environment, and protect human health. (Washington Post, 2006) . The US support for democracy could be appreciated from the words of Former President Bill Clinton saying: Ultimately, the best strategy to ensure our security and to build a durable peace is to support the advance of democracy elsewhere. Democracies dont attack each other. (Clinton, 1994) It is believed by many that democracy is also good for business since nations that embrace political reforms using democratic principles are more likely to pursue economic reforms that improve the productivity of businesses. This could be evidenced by the fact since the mid-1980s, an increase in levels of foreign direct investment going to emerging market democracies relative to countries that have not undertaken political reforms has been recorded (Childs, 2007). The United States has maintained by its declaration about its support for democracy and human rights through several means although its commitment to human rights is doubted and questioned by human rights organizations (Satter, 2007). As regards to those who oppose globalization, it may be asked: â€Å"If globalization is not promoted or supported, what could be the possible alternative? Could countries isolate themselves? † One could see what happened with North Korea. At the guise to trying to show to the whole world that it cannot be made to submit to stop its nuclear program, it recently made a declaration for its need of help such as oil from the other countries and so the US was willing to lend a hand. The WTO is one of the organizations that would help promote globalization. It has the stated goal of improving the welfare of the peoples of its member countries, in bringing down trade barriers as well as promoting trade negotiations as it main mission is has to do with ensuring smooth and predictable trade flows This main mission is further specified in certain core functions serving and safeguarding five fundamental principles, which are the foundation of the multilateral trading system (Lowenthal, Abraham ,1991), which include (a) overseeing the execution, administration and operation of the covered agreements; (b) providing a forum for negotiations and for settling disputes. (c) reviewing the national trade policies, and to ensure the coherence and transparency of trade policies through surveillance in global economic policy-making (World Economic Outlook, 1994). WTO assists developing, least-developed and low-income countries in transition to adjust to WTO rules and is a center of economic research and analysis and cooperates closely with the IMF and the World Bank under the principles of the trading system which may be considered to promote globalization. Since the WTO also establishes a framework for trade policies but not to define or specify outcomes, it must be concerned with setting the rules of the trade policy games and part of these principles include: First is nondiscrimination which includes two major components the most favored nation (MFN) rule, and the national treatment policy. Although these components are part of the main WTO rules on goods, services, and intellectual property, their precise scope and nature still manifest variability on different e areas. The MFN rule necessitates a WTO member to apply the same conditions on all trade with other WTO members. When one grants someone a special favor to someone and the said country must have to do the same for all other WTO members, too. National treatment on the other hand requires that imported and locally-produced goods must be treated equally, which must start after the foreign goods have entered the market at the minimum (Wold, 1996). Another principle is reciprocity which reflects both a desire to limit the scope of free-riding that may arise because of the MFN rule, and a desire to obtain better access to foreign markets. This must be done as requirement in terms of reciprocal concessions in order to ensure that the gain from doing so (from multilateral liberalization is better r than the gain available from unilateral liberalization; intend to ensure that such gains will materialize. The person objecting to the benefits of globalization may find it hard to contradict the existence and application of these principles and alternatives available could not be as good as asserted. Another challenging question that may be posed against the opponents of globalization is this: â€Å"How the problem of the environment could be solved with out a world effort that could be best helped by globalization? † It may be argued that globalization promotes not only economic interactions but also social and environmental ones. Global warming is never a national problem alone. It has become a global problem that requires global attention (Gardiner, 2004). With countries forming their alliances and organizations they also make rules to protect the environment. An isolationist has therefore no place in this globe. 3. Conclusion Globalization is a phenomenon. It was not made by America. Rather it has been a natural phenomenon that the expansion of knowledge has brought to mankind. Even early philosophers may have seen it birth long time ago and it still continuing. It could be reduced into simple proposition â€Å"no man is an island†. By the same analogy it is hard to see a country isolating itself from other countries. This could be seen in the history of mankind it self. Even those countries which were at war are now trading partners because there are more tendencies to help each other and live than killing its other. For the US therefore to go against globalization in its foreign policy would be the most inconsistent and absurd thing to happen since allied with globalization are its other interest which must also be attained.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Alternative Sentencing: Money Well Spent Essay -- Criminal Justice

Florida is losing the war on drugs though financial attrition. The economic impact of substance abuse in Florida is estimated to be roughly 6% of the state’s gross domestic product (Miami 20). One contributor is the myopic view by a judicial system that chooses to impose harsh criminal penalties, including incarceration, on non-violent offenders with minor possession charges. Increasing budgetary constraints, leading to fewer available resources, contrast harshly with the rapidly growing substance abuse. In 2009, statewide drug convictions increased by 5.9%, while state and federal funding towards alternative-sentencing programs decreased by 5.8% (Families 3; National Center). Currently Florida has more than 20,000 inmates in prison and an additional 60,000 in jail for assorted drug charges, a large portion for crimes involving minor possession or simple purchasing (Families 2). The fiscally intelligent response to non-violent offenders charged with minor possession is not the judicial system’s traditional approach, but rather utilizing alternative-sentencing programs such as drug court. In 1982, as a result of pressure to avoid federal sanctions, Florida enacted mandatory minimum sentencing for drug offenders (TASC 4). Within 18 months, as thousands of offenders were charged with simple purchasing or possession of controlled substances, federal and state courts were quickly overwhelmed. The growing number of incarcerated drug offenders tripled over the next decade causing prisons and jails to suffer from overcrowding (National TASC 6). With federal and state budgets stretched dangerously thin, Florida legislature quickly passed state statutes allowing judges to discharge simple purchase and possession charges after th... ... 03 April 2012. Florida. Executive Office of the Governor. Directory of DCF Funded Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. Tallahassee: Executive Office of the Governor, 2009. Print. Florida. Supreme Court Task Force on Treatment-Based Drug Courts. Report on Florida’s Drug Courts. Tallahassee: Office of the State Courts Administrator, 2009. Print. Miami Behavioral Health Center. The Annual Economic Impact of Alcohol and Drug Use in Florida. Miami: Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, 2009. Print. National Center for State Courts. â€Å"Budget Resource Center.† National Center for State Courts, n.d. Web. 03 April 2012 National TASC. Considering Public Safety: The TASC Abilities. Alexandria: Office of Justice, Programs, n.d. Print. TASC. Clinical Case Management Model. Washington D.C. N.p. n.p. 2011. Print.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Btec Business Unit 4 P1 Essay

Types of information: Verbal †¢ Verbal communication is where somebody talks face to face with the audience and could also include eye contact and body movements, Wilberforce use verbal communication in a full range of things one example been a English teacher reading out a poem. Written †¢ Written communication is in the form of physical symbols called words. It doesn’t have to be words though, in the broader sense it could be things such as diagrams and charts. So therefore all visual or numerical representation can be included. One example of Wilberforce using written communication is information booklets about the college. Onscreen †¢ Onscreen communication is a combination of many things for example a PowerPoint, this uses a range of texts, graphics, animation and sometimes Video’s. Wilberforce use onscreen communication in presentations, usually when promoting themselves to an audience. Multi-media †¢ Multi-media are multiple forms of media incorporated together. The Media could be a range of things such as texts, audio, graphics and animation, which is just a couple of the many things media could be. So therefore multimedia could be on a webpage about Messi where there is a video clip of him and also audio in the background of the webpage. This links quite nicely with onscreen media and again Wilberforce may use this in presentations when promoting themselves to a particular target audience. Web based †¢ Web-based communication is the use of internet, this goes hand in hand with multimedia technology as it displays the many benefits of it. The internet can be used around the world and is particularly helpful as the information can be received and read wherever you want. Wilberforce may use this to try to get a sponsor to sponsor them from different countries around the world, They may send a virtual video or even a PowerPoint trying to sell themselves to the target audience Name: Tom Hall Task 1; Unit 4 Sources of information: Internal†¦. Financial †¢ Usually in great detail, relates towards a company performance. Finance could be the costs of running the business. Wilberforce would use finance in a day to day basis, they may use it to compare their profits and losses from one year to another. Human resources †¢ Human resources provide information about the employee in a business and training within the organisation. Such as the efficiency the employee is working at and the training needs and projections for future employment. Wilberforce may use this to comprehend their staff turnover per year. Marketing †¢ Marketing informs us about the results of research undertaken by a certain company. It also tells us the successful/unsuccessful previous marketing campaigns. As well as this marketing also tells us about the market the company operates within. Wilberforce use marketing by promoting themselves by sponsoring certain things such as busses or football teams. Purchasing †¢ Purchasing provides information about the current budget each sector has in a business it also manages the current stock of a business, plus the price of the stock. It also manages the human resources with. Wilberforce may use this for example the IT department deciding upon how much they can spend on computer upgrades per year. Sales †¢ The revenue of sales. Helps you decide how well a business is doing, it is also good for planning for the future. Sales information keeps track of  products or services that may have been sold at the business, this information will be helpful as they know what a good item to sell is and what will be making their money in their organisation. This isn’t used so much be Wilberforce college as a it is in the public sector, however in the canteen where food and drinks are sold, it’s important that they know what people want so they therefore know what to order what people prefer and how much to price the goods at. Manufacturing †¢ Manufacturing in business is usually used in the secondary sector. It is the making of products that the business buys from the company and sells on usually for a profit. Wilberforce ICollege are in the tertiary sector as they provide a service so they don’t technically manufacture anything buy they do use information about their students to build lessons around the students to make it easier for them. Administration †¢ Administration is the paper work side of things where information about staff salary, recruitment and annual pay are all kept in a record by the business admin. Wilberforce College have a business admin keep records on their students and staff and also work out where money should be spent and how much should be spent per quarter. External†¦ Government †¢ These are supplied by, among others, the ONS (Office of National statistics), The DTI (Department of Trade and industry) and the OECD (Organisation for economic development). Some of the key government publications include the monthly digest of statistics include the Regional trends and Labour market trends. Wilberforce College use the annual census to predict the growth of the amount of students possibly attending the college in say 4 years time, they do this by finding the population of Children around the age of 12. Trade groupings †¢ Trade groupings are groups of businesses from the same industry or marketplaces that provide a service to representatives or their industry. They can act as pressure groups to initiate positive change for their industry. They also publish trade journals, which are a very useful resource. These are published by leaders in industries for the people working in that industry. Wilberforce College are in a trade group with other colleges which can share methods of teaching to achieve the best grades possible in all colleges. Commercially provided databases †¢ Many private research organisations specialise in building up databases of people who are known to have an interest in certain products and services. There are many market research agencies where lists may be purchased by businesses that wish to target these customers via direct mail. Wilberforce College use records from local schools to attract new students that are leave school and are perhaps looking to go into further education. Reliability of data sources †¢ Whenever a business collects date sources, they need to determine how valid the information is. They always need to ask themselves whether it is accurate, relevant and truthful, and whether there is a bias. In Wilberforce College they have to check for reliability within the text books they buy for their students. Research †¢ Research is the gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. A good business always conducts research to find out about their markets, customers and views of their staff. Wilberforce College may research various ways to enhance their teaching styles. They also may research the best methods of teaching various types of students so they can therefore get the full potential out of students. Purpose of information: Updating knowledge †¢ It is vital that businesses keep up to date with changes that are occurring within their markets. Information is required so the business know a variety of things such as, How their markets are developing, how labour markets are changing, what the economy is doing and what new laws are being passed that might affect the way they operate. All this information helps organisations to make accurate decisions based upon having full knowledge. Incorrect decisions are likely to be the result of inadequate information. This may be helpful for Wilberforce as when there is a rescission and unemployment rates are high, people are my inclined to stay in further education to boost their chances of been able to get a job. Informing future developments †¢ A business which is not quick to adapt, develop and grow will find it to be incredibly hard to keep up with competitors. But developments need to be based on informed decisions. A business will not launch a new product. And example been Wilberforce has recently offered new courses such as ‘Hair and beauty’, the reasoning behind this is that it was in very high demand. This is quick development and this therefore attracted more people to Wilberforce then previously without the Salon.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Project Management Email Individual Paper Essay

With the available information from the previous email regarding the projects of Juniper, Palomino and Stargazer, I feel it is in the company’s best interest to go with the Palomino project moving forward. The reason for not selecting the other two options is because Juniper carries too low of a risk for completion. Stargazer is not worth the high risk of completion and the unfamiliarity of how the final product will be with the customer. The method applied for making this decision was by utilizing the feasibility study. The main purpose of this is because using this project would have to make sense to the company as a whole. Answering all of the questions on Return On Investment (ROI), length of project, risk and overall benefit to Piper Industries. Using the feasibility study for the Juniper and Stargazer projects, it was a basic understanding that previously mentioned material would not be present as with the Palomino model. There are five different phases in project management that involve the  Palomino project and those are (Jacobs & Chase 2011): †¢Project conception and initiation: The main focus of this phase is to ensure the project being presented is realistic and will benefit the company. †¢Project definition and planning: The scope of the project will need an outline so the work which needs to be performed is available. Prioritizing, budgets and timelines are in this phase as well. †¢Project launch or execution: Tasks are assigned and each team is made aware of their responsibilities. †¢Project performance and control: The status and progress will be checked against the actual plan to ensure everything is running smoothly. The project manager will make adjustments as need to keep the original project on target. †¢Project close: Once all tasks are complete and the customer is content with the final product, a lesson learn plan will need to be established†¦ Content: Project Management Recommendation Name: Institution: Date: Dear Ray I duly received your email and we reviewed the three projects with my team. After critical analysis the board felt that the second project on your email (Palomino) was the best project for investment. The risk for completion is average; therefore, it does not put the company at a high risk of losing Dear Mr. Gritsch, Our team wants to thank Piper Industries Corporate vice-president, Wendell Deirelein, for choosing our team to analyze the projects. In the attached document you will find our analysis and recommendation of the Project Proposal that benefits your company. Thank you, Project Manager Project Management Recommendation Project to be Implemented Piper Industries needs a completed project and for it to be generating review within 12 month’s of the Project Management Office’s (PMO) review (University of Phoenix, 2012). The project that fits the company’s  requirements is the Stargazer project. The Stargazer project is efficient and the expectation of the project being completed on time is high. The research and development has already started on the widgets (University of Phoenix, 2012). According to the project descriptions, $450,000 has been spent on the product and they average a total of $575,000 being spent in order to bring the product to the market (University of Phoenix, 2012). Even though the dollar amount spent in this project is high, the return on investment for this project is high; by the third year the product is forecasted to have a return of investments of $750,000 (University of Phoenix, 2012). The product life of this project is forecasted to be 7 years (University of Phoenix, 2012). This product is still not being used, meaning Piper Industries will be the first company to launch the product to the market. By bringing such an innovative product into the marketplace, it can make Piper Industries the leader in the industry (University of Phoenix, 2012). Five Phases According to Stricker (2013), â€Å"Whether a project is large or small, the stages of a project are ultimately the same. Initiate the project, and then move into planning, followed by execution†¦. Project Management Recommendation Piper Industries Corp. wants to make a decision on the appropriate project to invest in based on three recommendations. First, Juniper is an enhancement of a current widget being offered by the company, while Palomino is a new line of widget products including enhancements using existing technology, and Stargazer is a production of completely new widgets, which research and development have already started on. The company assigned our team to analyze the three projects and make recommendations on which project the company should invest in. The recommendation must include our description of the five phases of the project and the key deliverables (project completion date and cost) for each project (University of Phoenix, 2013). The Project Recommendation Based on the break-even analysis for the Juniper project it basically shows the company will not, or barely break-even, during the life cycle of the production of these widgets due to technology advancements causing this product line to become obsolete after three years? It has a cost of $325,000 and Return on Investment only producing $250,000 for the two to three years of production with the third year being the end of life for this product. If the company chooses the Palomino project it will also have a hard time breaking-even and producing revenue streams over the life-time of the production with a 5% margin of error with the seventh year being the end of life for the product. The strength of the economy plays a large determining factor in this forecast due to 5% differential in the life cycle of this product. Palomino will cost $655,000 with the Return of Investment being $450,000 over a five year period with that 5%, plus or minus, margin of error. Profit would then start to be recognized in the sixth and seventh year of the life cy†¦ Thank you for choosing our team to analyze the three projects your company has proposed. After meeting with my team and analyzing the data of the three projects, we have to come to an agreement that the project your company should invest in is the Juniper project. Since your company is currently somewhat familiar with the product involved in this project, it will be more efficient and cost effective to continue the enhancement of this product. There are five phases of the project that must take place in order for the project to be a success. The first phase is the planning phase which includes a product approval and launch of the actual product development process. This also includes a mission statement that includes the target market of the product, business goals, key assumptions and constraints. The second phase is concept development. This phase is focused more on the needs of the target market, alternative product concepts which will need further testing and development. The concept is key in this phase because it describes the form, function and features of the product that are accompanied by a set of specifications and an economic justification for the project (Jacobs, pg. 74). The third phase is design detail which entails the specific parts of the product and all standard parts that are needed  from the supplier. This process also includes drawings and computer files that describe the geometry of each tool, purchased parts and process plans. The fourth phase is testing and refinement. This phase is includes construction and evaluation of multiple versions of the preproduction of the product. This is the time when we would be prototypes in order to determine if the product satisfies customer needs. The final phase is the production ramp-up. The product is made of intended production system. The purpose of the ramp-up is to get the workforce trained and to work out a remaining issues that may arise during the process such as†¦ Dear Mr. Gritsch: In continuation of your email dated February 10, 2014, I have completed analysis of three projects: Juniper, Palomino and Stargazer. The risk levels in Juniper, Palomino, and Stargazer are low, medium, and high respectively. It is in the best interest of Piper Industries Corporation to move forward with the Stargazer project. Stargazer is selected due to its feasibility and risk level. From market feasibility study, some strategic customers have already indicated interest in the product. Therefore, I would recommend that the board invest in the project, Stargazer; particularly because the company has already invested $450,000 and the ROI is very high. In continuation of your email dated February 10, 2014, I have completed analysis of three projects: Juniper, Palomino and Stargazer. The risk levels in Juniper, Palomino, and Stargazer are low, medium, and high respectively. It is in the best interest of Piper Industries Corporation to move forward with the Stargazer project. Stargazer is selected due to its feasibility and risk level. From market feasibility study, some strategic customers have already indicated interest in the product. Therefore, I would recommend that the board invest in the project, Stargazer; particularly because the company has already invested $450,000 and the ROI is very high. In continuation of your email dated February 10, 2014, I have completed analysis of three projects: Juniper, Palomino and Stargazer. The risk levels in Juniper, Palomino, and Stargazer are low, medium, and high respectively. It is in the best interest of Piper Industries Corporation to move forward with the Stargazer project. Stargazer is selected due to its feasibility and risk level. From market feasibility study, some strategic customers have already indicated interest in the product. Therefore, I would recommend that the board invest in the project, Stargazer; particularly because the company has already invested $450,000 and the ROI is very high. Stargazer is selected due to its feasibility and risk level. From market feasibility study, some strategic customers have already indicated interest in the product. Therefore, I would recommend that the board invest in the project, Stargazer; particularly because the company has already invested $450,000 and the ROI is very high. My feasibility study focused on Return on Investment (ROI), length of project, risk level and overall benefit to Piper Industries. See below for the results. Juniper: Return on Investment (ROI): 77% or $250,000 for a period of 2 to 3 years Length of project: Uncertain Risk of completion on time: Low Overall benefit: Enhancement of current product, increased product demand Palomino: Return on Investment (ROI): 69% or $450,000 for a period of 5 years Length of project: 7 Years Risk of completion on time: Medium Overall benefit: New product, use of existing technology, custom part, constant demand Stargazer: Return on Investment (ROI): 278% or $1,600,000 for a period of 3 years Length of project: 7 Years Risk of completion on time: High Overall benefit: Research & Development of a new product, market leader, project recommend that the board invest in the project, Stargazer; particularly because the company has Reference Jacobs, F. R. & Chase, R. (2011). Operations and Supply Chain Management (13th ed.) Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on General Managers

When I graduate from College, I have certain careers that I would like to pursue. These careers have many similarities and many differences but in the end they are the choices which I have chosen. All of the three careers I have chosen are business related and have the same price range. Two of the careers job clusters are in the Management category while the other career is in the Data Analysis as well as the Sales category. I believe that the careers I have chosen are the right ones. The careers are General Managers and Top Executive, Sales and Marketing Managers, and Operations Managers. The first career that I will go into is Operation Manager. In this job a person is responsible for the internal operations of a company. The reason why I have interest in this career is because I believe that I can help out a company with such decisions such as hiring, public relation, sales, producing products and much more. Also, I think I could handle this job because I can keep everything check. The average entry-level salary is approximately 20,000-25,000. If you stay in the job and earn experience a person can make 35,000 to 60,000. The job cluster for this job is Data Analysis and Sales, both of which I am capable of doing. The temperaments for this job are directing activities of others, performing a variety of duties, making evaluations based on data. These temperaments fit my choice very well mainly because it fits my jobs persona. The job outlook is expected to grow as fast as average over the next ten years due to the need to consolidate operations. There really isn†™t that many alternate jobs if the job outlook becomes poor for some odd reason. The chance of promotion is rather high when a person achieves more experience. If a person shows very little experience from which that person has achieved, he/she will not be promoted for a while. Some of the benefits of having such a job are health insurance, Life insurance, and other great be... Free Essays on General Managers Free Essays on General Managers When I graduate from College, I have certain careers that I would like to pursue. These careers have many similarities and many differences but in the end they are the choices which I have chosen. All of the three careers I have chosen are business related and have the same price range. Two of the careers job clusters are in the Management category while the other career is in the Data Analysis as well as the Sales category. I believe that the careers I have chosen are the right ones. The careers are General Managers and Top Executive, Sales and Marketing Managers, and Operations Managers. The first career that I will go into is Operation Manager. In this job a person is responsible for the internal operations of a company. The reason why I have interest in this career is because I believe that I can help out a company with such decisions such as hiring, public relation, sales, producing products and much more. Also, I think I could handle this job because I can keep everything check. The average entry-level salary is approximately 20,000-25,000. If you stay in the job and earn experience a person can make 35,000 to 60,000. The job cluster for this job is Data Analysis and Sales, both of which I am capable of doing. The temperaments for this job are directing activities of others, performing a variety of duties, making evaluations based on data. These temperaments fit my choice very well mainly because it fits my jobs persona. The job outlook is expected to grow as fast as average over the next ten years due to the need to consolidate operations. There really isn†™t that many alternate jobs if the job outlook becomes poor for some odd reason. The chance of promotion is rather high when a person achieves more experience. If a person shows very little experience from which that person has achieved, he/she will not be promoted for a while. Some of the benefits of having such a job are health insurance, Life insurance, and other great be...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Hard Work or Talent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hard Work or Talent - Essay Example Looking into the history of the US trading market there are a number of individuals whose reputation has span over years while others have popped into the market lately and made it big within a short time span. Making it big in this respect is related to how much one has made or makes in trading deals and the factors that surround their continued successes in making the right choices, deals and bets for that matter. Two characters are to be discussed and offered as examples in supporting the view that talent is the one that matters not hard work. Ken Griffin is the first one to consider and he is the Managing Director/CEO of Citadel Investment Group (Traderslog 2008). Considering its large size, it is important to study a few trends of its CEO. He started trading stock options and funds in his college days. Later developed the fund mentioned above with 4.2 million dollars (Traderslog 2008). Today it stands to be the one of the largest in the world with current management portfolio of 13 billion dollars. John Arnold is the other trader whose mastery of his business is given credit by a cross-section of huge and reputed players (Demon 2009). Taking his background for instance in Enron as a trader it is clear that his fortunes in this line of business were destined for success after scooping over 750 million dollars for the company. He was handsomely rewarded with 8 million dollars bonus. He used the bonus to start his own hedge fund by the name Centaurus Advisors, LLC. Soon he was making billion dollar bets in energy related trading and to the surprise of many he trades few times a year in the most awkward moments of the market. Last year he made slightly less than a billion dollars. In the few times he has spoken he says that he buys things at the time when they are below fair value and sell when he believes they are way above it according to Demon (2009). This simple concept relies more on talent i.e. his innate understanding of concepts

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Chinese economy has maintained a momentum of rapid growth while Essay

The Chinese economy has maintained a momentum of rapid growth while many other economies in the world have slumped - Essay Example As a result, the barriers to economic growth under the conventional planned economy were removed and full production became the order of the day. As part of the economic reforms, the country adopted a step-by-step approach in pushing the reforms ahead. At the same time, it made sure that there as a balance between the economic reforms, growth and social stability. This enabled the country to correct the notion that China is a hard place to trade as is evidenced by the large capital investment by overseas investors. According to Sharma (2007), there has been a major capital injection into the country’s economy, which been a major boost in the development of the economy. The country has also recognized the importance of a flexible monetary exchange rate. It has put measures in place to ensure that there is free capital mobility (Prasad, 2004). Economic experts have argued that the high economic growth rate registered by China will only be sustained if the country continues imple menting the comprehensive economic reforms, and the open up policies. ... This has been enabled by the ongoing reforms in the banking sector. Financial transactions and mediations in China are transacted across the banking sector. The banking industry is heavily dominated by the state-owned banks who act as the main lender to companies in China. There is an absence of the corporate bond market which underscores the crucial role that banks play in the economy of China (Li, 1997). China has instituted a reduction in interest rates to encourage more borrowing especially by people in the private sector, particularly the small and medium enterprises. Therefore, stability of the banking industry in China is crucial for sustainability of economic growth in the country (Li, Liu and Yun, n.d.). Currently, the Chinese government has accelerated efforts to address three key issues; maintaining the economic growth, avoiding social contradictions and improving the ability to cope with financial crisis. Lams have been put in place to stimulate domestic demand with an ai m of reducing the over reliance on Gross Domestic Product growth in fixed investment and export promotion. China relies more on the export market which is detrimental in the midst of a global financial crisis like the one being experienced in the world (Wang, 2010). To address this issue of export-oriented economy, the Chinese government has made it a national strategy to strike a reasonable balance between the export oriented models and inward- looking economy. This is being implemented through expansion programs in the global market, while laying down policies to promote domestic consumptions. The Chinese government is on record for trying to uplift the purchasing power of its large

Thursday, October 31, 2019

CIS212 U3 Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CIS212 U3 Discussion - Essay Example t RBAC has ease of management while DAC is complicated since each new user has to go through all the details the user needs access to and add them to the list. Authentication provides a way of identifying a user by having them enter a valid username and password before access is granted. If the identifications do not match, authentication fails hence permission is denied to access the information. Its purpose is to prevent unauthorized users to access information that they are not entitled to access. Certificates provide secure communications across untrusted of vulnerable networks. They are important in securing wireless local area networks. One of the advantages of using certificates is that it ensures that any data sent online is read by only the intended recipients. This is because for that data to reach the recipients, it might have to pass through multiple computers. It also improves customer’s trust. One of the disadvantages of using certificates is that it makes the connections to slow down. Getting certificates for a business can be expensive since the service providers have to pay for its maintenances; therefore it might b e viable for small scale

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Product Costing - Traditional Methods and Activity Based Costing case Essay

Product Costing - Traditional Methods and Activity Based Costing case assignment 5 accounting - Essay Example The proposed solution will prove to be very useful for the agricultural enterprises which mainly aim at employing management accounting techniques (Hicks). Considering the fact that the total ownership is focused on a particular crop which grows for a certain amount of time in a year, it is essential that the cost and profit centres are set up as they would provide the couple with a chance to make more accurate costing as well as improved pricing. This will also help the couple improve the profitability of the farms as well as ensure better management and more informed decision making for the farm. On the whole this will lead to more effective and efficient management of the farm. It is also important to note that the schematic will provide a chance for the developer to all the activities and also recognise the drivers which can be used effectively as the input values for the activity based costing systems. It is also important to note that including the cost and profit centres solutions will prove to be very beneficial for the company and will also permit the company to very effectively and accurately conduct the costing for the produces. Also the financial statements that have been provided are very helpful and beneficial for the farm to develop and design the management accounting systems and all reports effectively and efficiently. Since the proposed scheme of the relationship between the profit and cost centres are complex, it is essential to note that the possible scheme will prove to be very effective and will also be more beneficial than the basic provides (Beaulieu and Lakra). The fact that the cost centres provide support and assistance to each other has not been considered in the scheme and this leads to unrealistic solution. In a real world scenario, the cost centres will provide support and back up to each other and also in some cases to the profit centres. According to Business Dictionary Activity Based Costing, â€Å"Cost accounting approach

Sunday, October 27, 2019

18th Century Spanish America and Race

18th Century Spanish America and Race Assess the role of the State of Spanish America in the formation of ideas about human differences prior to the 18th century. The formation of ideas about human difference has been contingent upon both fluid and persistent socio-political, historical and economic forces since globalisation arguably began with the age of discovery in the 1400’s, arguably spear-headed by the Spanish empire. This is perhaps most perceptible in the key signifiers of human social distinction. Concepts such as ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ appear to be static, objective human categorisations; yet, when subjected to a process of historical and geo-political scrutiny, each proves to be a subjective and poignant signifier, even a product of a process of social and historical construction and part of the production of knowledge.[1] The historical phenomenon of the Spanish State serves as an exemplar to demonstrate a convergence of ideological paradigms which shaped notions of human difference, underscoring this central contention that ideas of human difference are generated within a specific historical milie u, often involving the confrontation of two or more ethno-cultural groups. It is crucial to acknowledge that Spain’s dominance of Africa from the 15th century and parallel conquest of Latin America was enacted with the conscious and unconscious appropriation of Eurocentric ideals which emphasised European supremacy and assumed European cultural, theological and economic superiority over Amerindians. The seeds of such national superiority have been traced to Biblical delineations of difference,[2] with its demarcation of blessed and cursed progeny, reinforced historically by medieval theological thought which associated blackness with the devil and sin, while whiteness was aligned with purity and righteousness. The widely accepted European medieval theory of ‘monogenism’, derived from the Biblical teaching of a common ancestry and family tree concept of origins, gave impetus to the Spanish State’s self identity.[3] This widely accepted view within medieval Europe has been largely discredited in more recent centuries, dismissing the notion of a common human genesis.[4] The Iberian Peninsula had left a potent legacy and precedent at the conclusion of the medieval period, with Spain’s stark delineation and unyielding destruction of human difference. The pronounced ethnic diversity on the peninsula in the form of Jewish and Muslim migrants from throughout Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa, exacted a Spanish definition which underlined difference rather than similarity, and in fixating upon difference, brought the reflex action of the decimation of such diversity, through a systematic, historic and prolonged practice of massacre, segregation, conversion, inquisition and expulsion.[5] Such unenlightened, barbaric and medieval practices, one may argue, left their mark on the Spanish psyche, readily appropriated by the American Spanish state, as it imported and imposed its imperialistic, paternalistic and sanctimonious practices, upon a rich diversity of Amerindian ethnic societies. This precursor to the Spanish American state illuminates the historical consciousness of the earlier Spanish rule in Europe, revealing the cultural hegemonic assumptions and practices the Spanish state appropriated from its 14th and 15th century European roots.[6] The early 20th century pejorative branding of pre-eighteenth century Spain as the ‘black legend’ evokes â€Å"Spain’s colonial brutality in the Americas during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.† [7] Ironically, Spain drew condemnation from other European nations for such action, deemed to be an ignorant, superstitious and fanatical nation, incapable of entering modernity.[8] Spain’s European condemners had been equally culpable in sub-Saharan Africa, in stimulating the African slave trade. By casting Spain as the antithetical demon, England, France and northern Europe masked their own international sins in the process. This brief observation illustrates one process that shaped human ideas about human difference, namely, intra-cultural ignorance and an insular societal gaze which repeatedly reinforced the values, practices and beliefs of Spain’s own cultural epicentre, and in the process, defined other ethnicities by their differences an d their otherness. Moreover, the Spanish American state constructed a false social hierarchy based upon religious assumptions which condemned humans living a more unencumbered and simple existence initially beyond the grasp of modern commerce and technological innovation. Furthermore, Spain’s Eurocentrism was buttressed by the prevailing ‘Latinising’ philosophy of Emmanuel Kant, whose notions of human barbarism, cast Amerindians of the New World as intrinsically inferior beings, bereft of the light of civilised knowledge and cultural sensibilities. Kant allegedly appropriated the formative Spanish Catholic writer â€Å"Las Cassas (and his) sixteenth century prescriptions about barbarians.† [9] The black legend’s origins are attributed by Greer to the three events including â€Å"the expulsion of Jews and Moors from the Iberian Peninsula; the so called discovery of America and domination and exploitation of African and Indian slaves; and the privileged position in which Christianity found itself.†[10] Insight into the formulation of ideas concerning human difference derived from the American Spanish state are noted in revisionist views of the Black Legend, which credits Spain with the dubious honour of â€Å"commodifying labour needed for colonial expansion in the Americasinstead of (Spanish) capitalism receiving kudos for stimulating the industrial revolution.†[11] Greer’s assertion that the burgeoning concept of â€Å"race emerged in Spain from the opportunistic wealth seeker, (an individualistic cause not considered in eastern empires such as the Chinese of Ottomans), (inspiring) Spanish conquistadors and other northern European colonists,† [12] highlights the geo-political nature of constructions of human difference. Indeed, Las Cassas’s classifications of the barbarian (emanating from the sixteenth century) illustrate the artificial construction of otherness and human difference, informing the way the Spanish American state approached Amerindian et hnic groups and the African slaves. Politically motivated criteria to confer barbarian status and thereby remove human dignity, included a focus upon the absence of conventional religion, permitting a thrust of colonialism and imperialism to be sanitised as the Indians of the new World receiving civilisation, in fact a falsely ennobling enterprise. Scholars such as Greer have also drawn attention to the Spanish state’s conference of Las Cassas’ criterion of the Latinate requirement of a civilised society, a cultural construct which excluded the Americas from civility and vindicated Spain’s imposition, in effect a dangerous reinvigoration of the â€Å"humanist renaissance recovery of Roman Imperial power†. [13] Furthermore, Jesuit historian Juan de Mariana from the 1600’s drew attention to the concept of the diminution of cultural breeding through inter-racial breeding, another social construct in itself, with little basis in biological fact. ‘Inter-mixing and bastardisation†™ as it was pejoratively known, â€Å"register a religio-ethnic racism† when the assumed benefit of full assimilation to the pariah culture failed to occur. [14] This matter of the racial formulations has been extensively studied by Barth. [15] This scholar contends that ethnic identity is maintained by â€Å"repeatedly redefining social boundaries, which may or may not coincide with geographic boundaries†[16], and that by â€Å"dichotomising others as strangers or members of another ethnic group, a limitation of shared understandings (is imposed, nurturing) differences in criteria for judgement of value and performance.† [17] In relation to the American Spanish state, while the mindset instigating notions of human difference sprang from European ideologies of capitalism, conquest and misplaced notions of civilisation, the interface featuring Spanish ethnicities in the New World, allowed Spanish identity and membership, and its Amerindian corollary, to â€Å"not based upon a once off recruitment process†,[18] but rather find recurring validation and expression. As the politically and economically superior entity, the Span ish state’s view of itself was reinforced as a result of its confrontation with African and Amerindian ethnicities, while conversely, African or Amerindian ethnic groups’ sense of themselves was retained, yet their subjugation at the hand of the European Spanish super power state prior to the 18th century wars of independence, meant their ethnic expression was muted and their religious and social practices were sidelined by Spanish hegemonic insistence. Some have asserted that the Spanish state’s supremacy over the American Indians was due to â€Å"their own theory of the relativity of human social behaviour.† [19] Furthermore, the Spanish scholastics allegedly appropriated Aristotelian notions of the natural man, incapable of moral awareness and superimposed this paradigm upon the American Indian.[20] Aristotelian ideologies of the theory of natural slavery, conveniently served the imperial cause of sixteenth century Spain in the New World. The â€Å"concept of natural man – someone who had chosen to live outside the human community, thereby causing themselves to be less human and impoverished†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [21] certainly reveals a pre-existing cultural lens, which dictates what one observes while surrounded by a different culture to one’s own and what one identifies with. It is now quite self-evident that many aspects of another ethnic group and their culture remain unnoticed, as one is relatively bound by the parameters of one’s own cultural limitations and ways of understanding the world.[22] Recent scholars have helpfully turned their attention to the factors which cause new definitions of ethnicity to emerge, stabilise and be transformed.[23] The ultimate, yet hard won Amerindian independence from the dictates of the Spanish state was a signifier that inter-cultural confrontation clarified both geographic and ethnic boundaries, and in spite of the composite cultural identity nullification, the vestiges of ethnic memory were preserved, permitting a rebuilding of Amerindian cultural practices not derived from Europe. Bibliography Barth, F. (1969), Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organisation of Culture Difference, Scandinavian University Books, London. Greer, M.R.; Mignolo, W.D. and Quilligan, M. (2007) Race in the Middle Ages, chapter 4 in Rereading the Black Legend: The Discourses of Religious and Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Pagden, A. (1982), The Fall of Natural Man: The American Indian and the Origins of Comparative Ethnology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Wade, P. (1997) Race and Ethnicity in Latin America, Pluto Press, London. Wimmer, A. (2008), The Making and Unmaking of Ethnic Boundaries: A Multilevel Process Theory, AJS Volume 113 Number 4 (January 2008): 970–1022 Footnotes [1] Wade 1997:5 [2] Wade 1997:10 [3] Wade 1997: 7 [4] Ibid ,7 [5] Greer et al 2007: 75 [6] Ibid [7] Greer et al 2007:1 [8] Ibid [9] Greer 2007:1 [10] Greer 2007:2 [11] Greer 2007:3 [12] ibid [13] Greer 2007:7 [14] Greer 2007:13 [15] Barth 1969. [16] Barth 1969:15 [17] Ibid [18] Ibid 15 [19] Pagden 1982: 3 [20] Pagden 1982:3 [21] Pagden 1982: 6 [22] Ibid 4-5 [23] Wimmer :2008 1011

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analytical Chemistry :: essays research papers

Analytical Chemistry   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Analytical Chemistry is the branch of chemistry principally concerned with determining the chemical composition of materials, which may be solids, liquids, gases, pure elements, compounds, or complex mixtures. In addition, chemical analysis can characterize materials but determining their molecular structures and measuring such physical properties as pH, color, and solubility. Wet analysis involves the studying of substances that have been submerged in a solution and microanalysis uses substances in very small amounts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Qualitative chemical analysis is used to detect and identify one or more constituents of a sample. This process involves a wide variety of tests. Ideally, the tests should be simple, direct, and easily performed with available instruments and chemicals. Test results may be an instrument reading, and observation of a physical property, or a chemical reaction. Reactions used in qualitative analysis may attempt to cause a characteristic color, odor, precipitate, or gas appear. Identification of an unknown substance is accomplished when a known one is found with identical properties. If none is found, the uknown substance must be a newly identified chemical. Tests should not use up excessive amounts of a material to be identified. Most chemical methods of qualitative analysis require a very small amount of the sample. Advance instrumental techniques often use less than one millionth of a gram. An example of this is mass spectrometry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quantitative chemical analysis is used to determine the amounts of constituents. Most work in analytical chemistry is quantitative. It is also the most difficult. In principle the analysis is simple. One measures the amount of sample. In practice, however, the analysis is often complicated by interferences among sample constituents and chemical separations are necessary to isolate tthe analyte or remove interfering constituents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The choice of method depends on a number of factors: Speed, Cost, Accuracy, Convenience, Available equipment, Number of samples, Size of sample, Nature of sample, and Expected concentration. Because these factors are interrelated any final choice of analytical method involves compromises and it is impossible to specify a single best method to carry out a given analysis in all laboratories under all conditions. Since analyses are carried out under small amounts one must be careful when dealing with heterogeneous materials. Carefullly designed sampling techniques must be used to obtan representative samples.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Preparing solid samples for analysis usually involves grinding to reduce particle size and ensure homogeneity and drying. Solid samples are weighed using an accurate analytical balance. Liquid or gaseous samples are measureed by volume using accurately calibrated glassware or flowmeters. Many, but not all, analyses are carried out on solutions of the sample. Solid samples that are insoluble in water must be treated chemically to dissolve them without any

Thursday, October 24, 2019

African Americans in the Reconstruction Era Essay

The Reconstruction era was put into effect by Congress in 1866 and lasted until 1877. Reconstruction was aimed at reorganizing the Southern states after the Civil War. The reconstruction plan granted the means for readmitting the southern states into the Union, and tried to come up with the methods by which whites and blacks could live together in a non-slave society. America’s position as a country was established on principles of freedom but those beliefs were weakened by slavery. At the end of the Civil War, many blacks felt that they were entitled to start collecting the benefits that had been denied for so many years. Being able to vote, own land and have a voice in political affairs were all goals that they believed were reachable. The white, however, saw reconstruction as an embarrassing, revengeful annoyance and did not welcome it. Reconstruction was meant to give the blacks a chance for a new and better life. Many of the African Americans stayed with their old masters after being freed, while others left in search of opportunities through education and land ownership. The Southern white conservatives did not want blacks to own property, have political power, or have the right to vote in elections. In addition, the whites strongly believed that they were superior, and they worked hard to make sure legal limitations were in place to prevent the blacks from gaining any type of equality or power. President Johnson’s reconstruction plan included the black codes, which stated that the African-Americans were required to have a curfew and carry identification on their persons at all time. These regulations also bound the ‘freedmen’ to their plantations. The freed slaves merely wanted the opportunity to continue the family-based shared work methods contrary to having to accept the individual piecework structure. Former slaves wanted to be able to continue to live on the land their ancestors had farmed. African american’s lives were improved in many ways during the era of Reconstruction; one way their lives were enhanced was the establishment of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The Freedmen’s Bureau was an organization developed by Congress that assisted African-Americans to acquire an education and provided necessities of life such as food and clothing. It was important for African-Americans to become educated, because it would prevent them from being dominated by white supremacists and helped them obtain well-suited jobs. During the years after the war, white teachers who were mostly from the North, missionary organizations, churches and schools worked hard to give the emancipated population the opportunity to learn. Former slaves of every age took advantage of the opportunity to become literate. Grandfathers and their grandchildren sat together in classrooms seeking to obtain the tools of k to gain their freedom. During Reconstruction, blacks were often seen not heard. It was usually the white man’s word over the black man’s word. Even if there was a crowd of people that saw what happened, unless they were black, the people sided with the white man. However, when the situation involved a white man getting hurt or killed for supporting the black community, that’s when the government stepped in to put an end to it thus leading to the Civil R A of 1875. Many regulations were passed to help blacks during this period. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 prohibited segregation in public facilities and various government amendments, which gave African-Americans even more guaranteed rights. With government guidelines, the newly dubbed freedmen were still discriminated against by most people and were soon to be segregated once again under government decisions. The Reconstruction, although short-lived, showed the first real attempts of inclusive freedom for African-Americans. Gains were taking place, for instance, in citizenship, voting, education and politics. Consequently, the failure of Johnson’s reconstruction caused the Congress to propose its own plan, the 14th Amendment. The Amendment was designed to prohibit state governments from restricting the rights of former slaves after the Civil War. However, it had been used to grant all the personal liberties and rights conveyed in the Bill of Rights. Among other things, this prohibited ex-Confederate leaders from holding political office, and also gave the freedmen their citizenship. The rejection of the 14th Amendment paved the way for the Reconstruction Act of 1867; this dismantled all Southern governments and launched military control over the South. The Reconstruction Act guaranteed freedmen the right to vote under new state constitutions and required the Southern states to approve the 14th A With the addition of African American votes in the southern elections and the help of â€Å"Carpet  Baggers† and â€Å"Scalawags,† the Republican Party gained almost complete control over the South. Throughout this time, the ranking of freedman was significantly increased, and by 1868; many state legislatures had African American delegates. All of America, as well as the South, had to be rebuilt, and, despite the South’s hostile resistance, African-Americans were slowly and gradually becoming part of this nation. The long-awaited citizenship for Blacks was confirmed in 1868, by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. By 1870, the 15th Amendment had been added to the Constitution, which gave blacks the right to vote. The 15th Amendment forbids the states from denying the right to vote to any person on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Whites both wealthy and poverty-stricken were ruthlessly and completely against the emancipation. The poor people feared the competition in the labor force, and the rich encouraged an attitude to keeping a strong separation in the blacks and the whites. In the early years after the Reconstruction started, there was some violence towards blacks. As the years went on the violence increased, and Terrorist groups were formed. One such group known as the Ku Klux Klan better known as the KKK, surfaced to torment and commit violent acts against blacks and strong white Republicans. Because of the ratification of the 13th Amendment ending slavery in the south, the KKK emerged with a cause that has yet to be put to rest†¦the rise of white power. The KKK was formed mostly to restore slavery to America and to reinstate the Caucasian race as the most superior race in the world. A former Confederate general and Freemason, Nathan Bedford Forrest, founded the KKK in 1866 because Negroes were being allowed to enter the brotherhood of freemasonry. He held this office while he was simultaneously Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish rite, Freemasons, and Southern Jurisdiction. Members of the KKK were very violent and used harsh actions to get their point across, but their actions were supported by their strong belief in their religion and the culture in which they were brought up in. The KKK did things based on what they believed according to their culture and how they were raised; Which, at that period of time made them extremists. Although slavery was abolished, racism was not. Because the government started recognizing African-Americans as more than just slaves, the KKK decided they would have to take matters into their own hands. They began their protest by lynching, taring and feathering, whipping, beating, and killing African-Americans in the south. Since Blacks had been given rights, the KKK felt it was their duty to prevent the former slaves from using them. Racist Groups such as the KKK operated mainly in the South; however, discrimination against the African Americans was also an issue of a smaller degree in northern cities. The KKK would destroy any black polling booth and shoot, intimidate, and kill any black person trying to vote; especially in Mississippi. KKK members went on â€Å"night rides. † On â€Å"night rides,† the KKK members dressed in white robes and went to houses belonging to empowered blacks and used threats toward family and loved ones to instill fear into their hearts has a means of control. The KKK would threaten these blacks with what would happen if they voted or took positions of power. At the end of the 19th century and the Reconstruction era, many of the whites used violent behavior to scare the African-Americans from white neighborhoods. The Whites organized protective associations, so homes in white neighborhoods could never be sold to a black man. This was also very noticeable in the makeup of many of the northern cities; these cities had well-known residential neighborhoods for African Americans. In conclusion, during this time, a country that was so well-known for its freedom, opposed in large the very definition of the word. After the Civil War, America saw a great many changes regarding civil rights and black suffrage. Many laws were passed to give African Americans more rights. Since the Reconstruction era, we as a country have come a long way. With the utilization of great leadership like Lincoln, education and recognizing our shared humanity, we could decrease the gap of equality.